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6 thoughts on “Camo Nation

  1. I have supposed it was some kind of “support our soldiers” statement, at least at first. It doesn’t appeal to me, probably because I can’t get the combat connection out of my head. Maybe people have some subconscious need to feel protected? Of course pink and blue don’t blend into much of anything unless you’re in a crowd that’s garbed in same. Hmmmm…

    Dad, you’re first comment is right on!

  2. No lie! I’m sitting in the DMV “just musing” on the subject of camo, I briefly glance up to take in my surroundings, and there is a man in camo standing right in front of me. My favorite camo style name is “tree bark,” just for the record. Who gets paid to come up with these things?

  3. camo eggs how cool is that. Though I don’t really
    get the point of camo easter eggs. They could be
    fun for easter egg hunts because they’re hard to find in forest like places!


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